Teenagers with Hearing Loss

The fast-paced, loud world we live in these days has given rise to teenagers who unknowingly suffer from hearing loss, changing the commonly held belief that hearing loss is only a problem for the elderly.
Read MoreThe fast-paced, loud world we live in these days has given rise to teenagers who unknowingly suffer from hearing loss, changing the commonly held belief that hearing loss is only a problem for the elderly.
Read MoreHearing loss can be prevented with sufficient care and timely intervention. Hearing impairment can be successfully treated through early testing and the use of hearing aids, but you can avoid these hassles through the regular care of your ears to protect them from damage that can lead to hearing loss.
Read MoreHearing loss brings with it the exciting prospect of getting new hearing aids, which come in various designs, shapes, and sizes. Thanks to modern technology, your hearing aids may have various features and styles, which you may puzzling and intimidating. It is a good idea to educate yourself about the pros and cons of the various hearing aid styles that are out there.
Read MoreWhen we think of hearing loss, we generally think of both ears being affected equally by hearing damage. However, this is not always the case, since hearing loss can affect one or both ears with varying degrees of intensity. When only one ear is affected by hearing loss, we call this unilateral hearing loss.
Read MoreHearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in the United States, following cardiovascular disease and arthritis. With its prevalence, one would think that prescribing hearing aids for hearing loss would be a priority, but unfortunately this is not the case.
Read MoreWe live in a very noisy world; it seems like we simply cannot escape the noise no matter where we go. Be it at home, school, or even in the workplace, threats to hearing are everywhere. Certain jobs carry higher threats to hearing than others, which is why it is important to become aware of these professions and seek adequate hearing protection to prevent hearing loss.
Read MoreIt is not uncommon to get the sudden feeling of ringing in your ears when your pressure fluctuates, or when you get up too quickly. But for some people, this noise never stops! Tinnitus is the persistent ringing sensation within the ears that occurs in the absence of any external stimuli.
Read MoreOf all the things to pop, the most annoying is the popping sensation within the ears! We all enjoy those long vacations but plane rides are a different issue altogether. They often involve uncomfortably stuffed up ears that tend to pop and cause pain and discomfort. You may have wondered why this uncomfortable sensation shows up; if so, here are some answers.
Read MoreSummer is here! As you bask in the warm, soothing sun, don’t forget to take good care of your hearing aids so that you can enjoy your summer activities without putting your hearing aids in danger.
Read MoreWe all love to listen to music at top volume. It can be fun for a while, but over the years, this high volume can lead to permanent hearing loss. Damage to hearing is an irreversible condition that can require you to obtain hearing aids, so make sure you are listening to music at a safe sound level. How can you know what level of sound is safe for your ears? Read more to find out.
Read MoreHearing aids are tiny devices with monumental benefits. Hearing aids provide improved hearing abilities for those with hearing loss, yet are so simple to use. Rarely do we stop and think about the way in which these tiny miraculous devices work.
Read MoreBeing moody can result from several different factors in life. At times we blame it on the raging hormones of the teenage years, sometimes on being pregnant, and other times even on the weather. Recent research suggests that mood shifts can occur due to hearing loss.
Read MoreRecent research suggests that hearing loss can eventually lead to deterioration in cognitive functioning, thereby increasing the likelihood of developing dementia. Untreated hearing problems can lead to increased strain on the brain that can cause atrophy of the brain, social withdrawal, and depression. These factors have been found to be related to the increased chances of developing dementia.
Read MoreWhen we think of injuries sustained in the workplace, rarely do we think of hearing loss. However, the Center for Disease Control reported that in America, around 22 million employees experience unsafe levels of sound in their work environments. This makes hearing loss the number one injury sustained in the workplace!
Read MoreTinnitus is the sensation of a ringing or buzzing sound in your ears in the absence of any such external stimuli. Although this condition may be irritating, it can also detract from your daily productivity at home and at work.
Read MoreHearing aids are wonderful devices which help us make the most of our world of sound. However, in order to help keep them functioning at their optimal level, we must take good care of them and perform routine maintenances and repairs. Even though you are provided with a cleaning kit when you get hearing aids, it is a good idea to let a professional clean your hearing aids once in a while.
Read MoreHearing loss is already a complex problem to begin with, without adding missed phone calls added to the mix. In case you find that you have trouble hearing your telephone, you may want to make use of a captioned telephone, or a CapTel for short.
Read MoreIt is great to enjoy the last remaining days of warmer weather before the cold sets in. Make sure you take good care of your hearing aids during these times so that you can make the most out of your hearing experience.
Read MorePeople often think of hearing loss as trouble hearing sounds in the higher frequency range such as higher pitched sounds. This is not necessarily true. Reverse-Slope loss of hearing is a type of hearing loss that refers to trouble hearing sounds in the lower frequency range.
Read MoreYou often hear a ringing sensation in your ears which goes away after a while. But what if that buzzing sound stayed with you for an hour, then a day, then a week?! What if the ringing sound got more severe and refused to go away?
Read MoreHearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in America, yet it never gets discussed nearly as often as other ailments. Two most common types of hearing loss are presbycusis (which happens due to aging) and noise-induced hearing loss. Aging is a natural part of life, so presbycusis may often be an unavoidable reality for some people, but noise-induced hearing problems are totally preventable.
Read MorePeople often have several preconceived misconceptions regarding hearing loss. This is why it is important to clear up these misunderstood notions so that people can overcome the stigma that comes along with hearing loss. Hearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in the United States, which is why it is important that you familiarize yourself with some of the facts that come along with it.
Read MoreHearing loss is not a simple problem that only affects the ears. It affects your overall health and even your cognitive abilities such as your memory. Johns Hopkins University conducted a study that spanned over a decade. Their results found that those who had a hearing impairment were more likely to develop symptoms of dementia 3 years earlier than those with regular hearing. Furthermore, Johns Hopkins also found that untreated hearing problems have been linked to loss of memory.
Read MoreTinnitus can be challenging to deal with on a daily basis, but you can develop several coping strategies to help you deal with the constant buzzing in your ears. Tinnitus is known as a hearing condition that brings about a ringing sensation in the ears in the absence of any such auditory stimulus in your surroundings. Around 15% of the American population experiences varied types of tinnitus.
Read MorePresbycusis is the name given to hearing loss that is sustained as a result of advanced age and affects a vast number of Americans. Although hearing loss can affect anyone at any point in their lives, presbycusis can be exceptionally challenging due to several other changes that occur in one’s life as a result of aging.
Read MoreThe constant sensation of a ringing or buzzing sound within the ears in the absence of any external stimulus is known as tinnitus. It can be a symptom of an underlying hearing problem and is often known to cause sleep disruption. Tinnitus does not need to continue disturbing your sleep; these recommendations can help you sleep better despite having tinnitus.
Read MoreHearing loss is a common problem but mixed hearing loss refers to difficulty in hearing that results from problems in multiple parts of the ear; the outer, middle and inner ear. It refers to a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing damage.
Read MoreIt is the time of the year when people start smiling a lot more and becoming more generous while we all gear up for the holiday season. Some of us might find this time of year particularly challenging though, especially if they have hearing loss.
Read MoreTinnitus is the ringing sensation in the ears in the absence of any such externally audible stimuli. Various reasons contribute to the onset of tinnitus, and tinnitus is often a symptom of an underlying medical illness or hearing loss. Thankfully, you can simply modify your diet to include more nutritious foods to help combat the negative symptoms of tinnitus.
Read MoreWhen we think of pollution, we think of choked up beaches, littered streets and polluted lakes. Rarely do we think of our world of sound as a source of pollution. The truth is that noise pollution is an unseen culprit that can cause the third most prevalent health condition in America: hearing loss.
Read MoreLoss of hearing is a condition that can occur with varying degrees of severity and can also affect only a single ear. This may sound strange, but it is not generally an unusual occurrence. People with hearing damage in only one ear can have either regular hearing in the other or can have varying degrees of hearing loss in their other ear as well.
Read MoreYou may have heard that constant ringing sound within your ears even though there is no such auditory stimulus present in your environment. This might mean that you have tinnitus, which can be triggered due to several factors and environmental situations. One of these factors may be traveling via airplanes.
Read MoreYou have been unable to hear for a while. You get the nagging sensation that you may have a hearing difficulty but seem to be unable to come to terms with this fact. Hearing loss can be a difficult reality to accept, but once you accept it, you will be able to take ownership of your situation and live life to the best of your ability.
Read MoreAge brings on its own set of setbacks as our bodies begin to deteriorate over time. Our outward appearance changes and our senses become dull. Our hearing is also affected in a phenomenon known as presbycusis, or hearing damage caused by aging.
Read MoreStress is an inevitable but annoying part of life. It can lead to a wide variety of physical and psychological problems, one of them being loss of hearing. Your body attempts to cope with stressors by releasing certain chemicals which provide you with energy to combat the stressful situation. Over time, this constant stress mode can take its toll on your health and well-being.
Read MoreIt is commonly believed that hearing loss is a problem of the elderly population in America. This cannot be further from the truth. In America, approximately 12,000 infants are born with some form of hearing impairment every year. This is why it is important to discuss the topic of hearing loss so that they may become more aware of it in order to help themselves or other children in need.
Read MoreHearing loss is the third most prevalent health condition in the United States, affecting 20% of people in America. Loss of hearing may not be the first thing you think of when you think of work-related injuries, but research suggests that it is one of the most common types of injuries today.
Read MoreCardiovascular disease has been linked to hearing loss by several recent correlation studies. Research indicates that those with heart disease have more than 50% likelihood of having some form of hearing loss compared to those with healthy hearts.
Read MoreWe know the definition of hearing loss, but we are often unaware of what constitutes normal hearing. When we have our hearing examined, we are tested on various different levels of sound. It is important to know what these measurements mean for our hearing health.
Read MoreHearing loss is the third most common health condition in America. This makes some of those in the hearing loss industry prone to exploiting innocent customers by providing unreliable methods that claim to be treatment options but are in reality, nothing of the sort.
Read MoreEar infections are a generic name given to any ailment that affects the ears, but in medical terms they are called otitis media. These infections are common both for children as well as adults and usually result from other secondary infections and viruses, be it sinus problems or influenza. You may be surprised to learn that even teeth problems can cause ear infections!
Read MoreHearing aids are a handy tool to help people with hearing loss get their life back on track. Several people do not get hearing aids out of the fear that they may actually worsen their hearing even further. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Read MoreTinnitus is the phantom ringing of the ears, which occurs in 1 in every 5 people in the United States. It can be temporary or permanent, and can affect anyone at any point in their lifetime. Unfortunately, there are several myths surrounding the nature of tinnitus and its treatment methods, which is why it is important to gain reliable and valid information about it.
Read MoreThe world becomes a difficult place to function in when we lack our sense of hearing. We are overly dependent on our sense of hearing, whether we realize it or not. From dawn to dusk, the many sounds we take for granted keep us involved and helps us remain an active participant of the society we live in. Imagine a world where these sounds fade away, never to return.
Read MorePeople refer to measles as though it were a single disease, when in reality there are two very different types of illnesses. The first type is known as rubella, which is commonly referred to as German measles.
Read MoreIt is strange that in a country where hearing loss is the third most common condition, the treatment for hearing loss should still be so taboo that no one wishes to openly disclose it. The problem with hearing aids is that those who actually get noticeable benefits out of them are never comfortable enough to spread the word.
Read MoreTinnitus affects around 50 million people in America and is described as the ringing sensation in the ears in the absence of such noise in the environment. A whopping 15% of people all over the world have tinnitus.
Read MoreTinnitus is the sensation of hearing ringing or buzzing sounds in the absence of any such external stimuli. It affects 1 in 10 adults in America, and can affect anyone at any point in their lifetime. Tinnitus can affect a single ear or both ears with varying degrees of severity.
Read MoreTinnitus affects a significant number of people each year. It can be a frustrating experience which can give rise to a sense of hopelessness, confusion, and anxiety, especially if incorrect information is obtained regarding its true nature. This article aims at correcting some of the commonly held mistaken beliefs about Tinnitus.
Read MoreNardelli Audiology has opened up its fourth location in White Hall. The new location is in the White Hall Medical Pharmacy building on the second floor.
Read MorePeople with hearing aids can still take care of their residual hearing to prevent further damage. Wearing hearing devices does not reverse the damage caused by hearing loss, thus it is important to protect your natural ability to hear using a specific set of simple practices each day.
Read MoreWhen hearing loss patients consider buying hearing aids, the biggest deterrent can be the price. Hearing devices can be a bit costly, but think about them as an investment to a lifetime of enhanced hearing, and regaining a basic human sensory experience truly is priceless in many ways. Obtaining hearing instruments can enhance your life in the following ways to ensure that you gain the maximum benefit of using hearing aids.
Read MoreHearing loss can feel like it snuck up on you, when in reality it often takes years to manifest. Having a hearing problem can result in several other subsequent problems that affect your physical as well as psychological well-being.
Read MoreHearing loss can be a very challenging experience, where even simple tasks of the day may become daunting and frustrating. Having a hearing problem takes a significant toll on your personal and professional life. Your health may also suffer due to hearing loss since you grow more prone to being injured.
Read MoreIf you wear hearing aids, you may have trouble finding a pair of headphones that fit comfortably. Even if you find a good pair of headphones, you may still face feedback that travels from your headphones to your hearing aids.
Read MoreWe all need some “me” time to let go of all our stress and do something we enjoy. This is why we engage in our favorite hobbies, which can be varied, fun, and sometimes rather noisy. It is important to watch out for these noisy hobbies, since they may cost us our hearing.
Read MoreHearing loss is an isolating and difficult condition to deal with. Unfortunately, hearing loss has a compounded effect of being doubly difficult due to the negative perceptions that other people have about hearing impaired individuals.
Read MoreWe all love listening to our favorite melodies on our personal audio device, often at loud volumes. Although this practice may seem fun in the short term, it can really be detrimental to our hearing in the long run.
Read MoreIf you have hearing aids, you may wonder what that occasional whistling sound is all about. Feedback noises tend to be rather common when it comes to hearing aids, but they can be very annoying at times. Thankfully, you can learn more about it and see what can be done to reduce it.
Read MoreWe live in a world full of delightful (and sometimes not so delightful) sounds! We often take our hearing for granted until we begin stumbling during conversations, feeling lost, confused and left out. Hearing loss can be a sneaky in its onset and it can take years before a person finally realizes that they have hearing loss. Certain noises in our daily life tend to hurt our hearing more than others, which is why it is important to become aware of those sounds.
Read MoreGN Hearing announced the introduction of ReSound Assist Live, what the company describes as “a real-time video-enabled hearing care service.” At a time when elderly, more vulnerable populations are advised to stay home, this telehealth solution helps enable people, from their homes, to connect with their hearing care professional for new hearing aids and care, remotely.
Read MorePeople may not realize this, but hearing loss is on the rise. In fact, in the near future, NOT being able to hear might soon become more normal than having regular hearing! Surprising?! As unsettling as this statement may seem, this may well be what the future holds for us.
Read MorePeople with hearing loss are often reluctant to attend dinner invitations at restaurants. Eating joints are often accompanied with loud music that may be fun for those with regular hearing, but are challenging for those with hearing loss.
Read MoreWe live in an era where there is an application for pretty much anything! If you have hearing loss but also own an iPhone, you will be able to download several useful hearing-assistance applications.
Read MoreWe are all encouraged to get our hearing examined by a qualified hearing care professional, but it all seems a bit scary and unfamiliar. This is why many people avoid it for as long as they can, even though the procedure is actually very simple and completely painless.
Read MoreHearing loss is a difficult problem to deal with, mostly because it not only affects you but also those around you. Having a regular conversation with someone who has a hearing disability can be challenging and frustrating.
Read MoreHearing loss is definitely not something any of us look forward to. We can thankfully avoid its many woes by simply taking care of our diet and nutrition. Making some simple changes to your daily food intake can go a long way in protecting your hearing.
Read MoreWe often take our hearing aids for granted because they usually work so well, until they don’t! The daily wear and tear of life can disrupt their delicate inner workings, so it is important to learn ways to deal with common problems that occur with hearing aids.
Read MoreHearing aids are essential tools to effectively deal with hearing loss on a daily basis. Nowadays, with the rising cost of batteries, hearing aid manufacturers have developed rechargeable hearing aids. These do not need to have their batteries replaced and can be easily recharged. Although handy, these hearing aids require special care in order to operate them.
Read MoreHearing damage is caused due to numerous reasons, but one of the major causes of hearing loss is exposure to unsafe levels of noise over a prolonged period of time. Since noise-induced hearing loss is irreversible, it is important that we learn about effective techniques to protect our hearing.
Read MoreWe all take our hearing for granted, even though it is actually a very complex procedure that takes place in a matter of split seconds. The brain is responsible for deciphering the sound signals sent by the ears, and it regulates the amount of incoming sound signals each and every moment to prevent sensory overload.
Read MoreModern hearing aids really have come a long way since their clunky predecessors. Hearing loss currently affects around 37.5 million people in the adult population in U.S.A. This is why it is important to learn about the awesome technological developments about hearing aids so that you can help yourself or your loved ones who are suffering from hearing loss.
Read MoreYour hearing examination results are back and it looks like you will be getting hearing aids to rectify your hearing loss. This can be an exciting time of your life but it can also make you nervous since it is a big change. First of all, congratulate yourself on taking proactive steps to rectify your hearing problem.
Read MoreThe most frequently reported symptom of a hearing impairment is the sensation of muffled hearing. A person with hearing loss often loses their hearing gradually, and initially they may simply feel as though the sounds around them seem softer than before. Muted hearing is not a reason to jump to the conclusion that you must be suffering from hearing loss, since muffled hearing can be caused due to several other reasons.
Read MoreTinnitus is the phantom ringing or buzzing sensation you get in your ears, in the absence of any such stimuli. Even though it is annoying to constantly be subjected to tinnitus, what is more annoying is that there is so much misinformation all over the internet about it.
Read MoreWe all deserve to live the good life, and a simple matter of hearing loss should not disrupt your desire to go and watch that movie you had been looking forward to all this time. However, recreational activities can sometimes become challenging in public places for those with hearing loss, since facilities for those with hearing impairment are not as easily accessible.
Read MoreTinnitus is the ringing or buzzing sensation within the ears in the absence of any such external stimuli. It is a common problem that affects almost 36 million people in America. Tinnitus may affect one or both ears with varying degrees of intensity and frequency. Only around 6% of people with tinnitus have it to a severe extent that interferes with their daily functioning. This amounts to around 7 million people in the United States.
Read MoreWe live in a very busy, fast-paced world where productivity matters most since time is money. If we can design our workplace more efficiently, we can cater to those who have unique hearing needs, such as those with hearing loss. This not only helps our hearing-impaired employees work more efficiently, it also makes for a happier and more productive work environment.
Read MoreHearing loss is a common problem in the United States. In fact, it is actually the third most prevalent health condition after cardiovascular disease and arthritis. With hearing loss being such a common ailment, it is surprising that there are still so many myths and stigma surrounding it. It is important to learn about the facts regarding hearing loss so that we can help ourselves and our loved ones.
Read MoreOur hearing aids help us hear the world of sound that we would otherwise miss out on. Hearing aids are delicate devices that need special care in order to function at their optimal level. Daily dirt and grime can have a negative impact on them, which is why it is important to become aware of cleaning techniques that you can take care of by yourself in the comfort of your own home.
Read MoreTinnitus is the sensation of a ringing or buzzing sound within the ears in the absence of any such external stimuli. It can be temporary or permanent and its onset depends on various physiological and psychological conditions. It affects 50 million people across America, although only around 12 million of these people actually seek any form of treatment for their tinnitus.
Read MoreWhen it comes to hearing loss, many of us tend to bury our heads in the sand like ostriches, so to speak, in order to avoid bad news! Unfortunately, neglecting our hearing will only make it worse. We always deny that our hearing is bad and put off getting a hearing examination, when in reality we would be a lot better off if we tested our hearing in a timely manner.
Read MoreA business with offices in Harrison and Marion counties is helping to raise money for the Jack Strong Foundation. Nardelli Audiology using free hearing tests as a way to raise money for the Jack Strong Foundation.
Read MoreGetting new hearing aids can be an exciting yet challenging new phase of your life. It can be slightly unnerving to be able to suddenly hear way more than you could before you got your hearing aids. Even your own voice might sound strange and unusual to you, and you may find it overwhelming to adjust to the huge amount of sounds you are suddenly able to hear all around you.
Read MoreA whole new world awaits us. With so many advances in technology and an improved mindset about various disabilities, it is a wonder that people are still so shy about admitting to hearing loss. Having a hearing problem really is not as big of a deal as most people make it out to be, especially in today’s world where there are so many gadgets to help each and every individual with their unique hearing needs.
Read MoreThe weather is finally beginning to warm up. This means that it is time to spring clean your home as well as your hearing aids. Your hearing aids help you lead a comfortable life, so it is time to take good care of them so that they can continue to function at their optimal level.
Read MorePeople with hearing loss are often unaware of the dangers in their surrounding environment, simply because they are unable to hear it. Be it the sound of a car stopping in your driveway in the dead of the night, or the sound of breaking glass as a burglar breaks your window pane, untreated hearing loss puts you and your loved ones at risk of terrible danger.
Read MoreMost clinical audiologists are directly involved in the identification and management of hearing loss. It is, after all, common practice for audiologists to complete a case history and basic assessment to determine if the individual has a medical condition requiring a medical referral. Those individuals that do not have a “red flag” medical condition involving the ear, assuming they are motivated, become candidates for other forms of remediation, usually hearing aids.
Read MoreA common concern that most people ignore is the presence of tinnitus, which is the constant sensation of ringing or buzzing within the ears. Tinnitus can be a precursor to hearing loss, so make sure you get it checked by a hearing professional during your next hearing test.
Read MoreThe process of getting hearing aids fitted to perfection can take anywhere between an hour to two hours. Getting your hearing aids fitted can be an exciting new beginning for your hearing experience as you slowly begin to hear sounds that you may not have heard in a very long time. With so much to gain from obtaining hearing aids, it is surprising that people wait for as long as 7-10 years before they finally obtain hearing instruments to rectify their hearing loss.
Read MoreFatigue can occur at any time and with any organ within the human body. People do not think of the ears when they think of fatigue, and we often take our listening skills for granted as a result. People with hearing loss face listening fatigue, which is the exhaustion resulting from the constant need to focus and concentrate on sounds due to limited hearing.
Read MoreObtaining hearing aids can be an exciting time of your life. While you may be excited to be able to hear once more, the process of regaining your hearing takes a period of adaptation so that your brain can readjust to the sudden increase in sound input. The initial days wearing your hearing aids might be frustrating due to the sudden increase in various sounds that you may not have heard in a long time.
Read MoreHearing loss damages not only one of the major senses of the body, but also results in other detrimental effects. Over time, the constant strain to decipher speech and try to fit into fast-paced conversations can result in a sense of feeling left out or isolated. You may begin to withdraw from social situations and ruminate on your hearing loss as you struggle to remain an active member of the household conversations.
Read MoreThe problem with the world of hearing is that it is surrounded by several myths that are not only false; they can also damage your hearing. The first on this list of untrue myths is the notion that using cotton swabs is an effective way to clean your ears. This belief is not only untrue; it can actually damage your ears.
Read MoreA recent study published in the Ear and Hearing journal indicates that you might have an increased likelihood of suffering from hearing loss if you had any earaches or other infections as a child.
Read MoreTinnitus (a ringing sensation in the ears in the absence of any external stimulus) is a problem that affects around forty five million people in the United States. Generally speaking people with tinnitus perceive a whistling, hissing, or buzzing sound in the absence of any such sound being present.
Read MoreOne in three cases of dementia could be prevented if more people looked after their brain health throughout life, according to an international study in the Lancet.
Read MoreSleep apnea affects a large number of adults worldwide and leads to poor quality of sleep and other health problems. Recent research found that sleep apnea can increase the likelihood of developing hearing loss resulting from other health problems such as cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, or generalized inflammation.
Read MoreWhen we think of professions that lead to hearing loss we mostly think of construction work or factory-based professions; seldom do we think of musicians. Professional musicians endure loud noises during their practice sessions, at recording studios and especially at concerts. This constant exposure to loud sounds puts them at risk for hearing loss.
Read MoreJob interviews are usually stressful without having to add hearing aids to the mix. Lawfully speaking, you do not need to disclose the fact that you have hearing loss to any potential employer if you do not wish to do so. According to the Equality Act 2010, disabled employees are protected from discrimination in the workplace. This means that your potential employer cannot eliminate you on the basis of your hearing disability at any stage, be it cover letters, interview arrangements, application forms, aptitude tests, or job offers.
Read MoreNardelli Audiology, is now offering ReSound LiNX 3D as part of their product line. ReSound LiNX 3D is a personalized hearing system designed to meet the need of all patients.
Read MoreThe key to healthy hearing is to maintain an optimal level of overall health. Certain health conditions increase the chances of developing hearing loss thus it is important to be aware of these ailments and address them in a timely manner so that they do not interfere with your hearing experience.
Read MoreResearch suggests that 48 million people suffer from some type of hearing loss in the United States. This means that one in five individuals is suffering from hearing loss, and this number increases to one in three people when we reach the age group of 65 and above.
Read MoreA study conducted by researchers at Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) found that older adults who used a hearing aid performed significantly better on cognitive tests than those who did not use a hearing aid, despite having poorer hearing.
Read MoreTinnitus is the sensation of a ringing or hissing sound when no external sound stimuli are present within the environment. This sound can range from a chirping or clicking sound to a buzzing or screeching sound that may even sound like music.
Read MoreGoing to your favorite sporting event and cheering for your team is a wonderful experience! Stadiums are loud venues filled with fans showing their pride in the loudest manner possible. But such loud noise for a prolonged period of time can lead to hearing loss. How do you protect your hearing in this type of event?
Read MoreYour hearing evaluation can have much better results if you are accompanied by a relative or friend. Having someone with you can be a source of emotional support and can also help keep you motivated and on track to help you adhere to the specific instructions and suggestions. They can also help you clarify any questions you may have and also provide you moral support and company.
Read MoreThe most significant distinction between dementia and Alzheimer's is dementia is a part of pretty much each of us as we age, but Alzheimer's is a an actual disease that is a deterioration of the brain.
Read MoreWhile adults usually do not include hearing tests as part of an annual physical exam, it is recommended that hearing be tested regularly. Scheduling a hearing test once a year around the same time as your annual physical would be a good way to make it a recurring part of your preventive health routine. Diagnosing hearing loss as early as possible is important so that it can be treated more effectively.
Read MoreBuying a hearing aid is a major purchase and you may have many questions regarding performance, fit and cost. You have already taken the biggest step which is to have your hearing tested and determining that you need hearing aids. To make this process easier you should ask your hearing professional the necessary questions to ensure you choose the hearing aids which best fit your lifestyle and hearing needs.
Read MoreThe topic of hearing aid batteries will inevitably come up whether you are purchasing your first set of hearing aids or you are a seasoned user. Questions regarding batteries range from size, cost, frequency of replacement, and how to appropriately use and care for them.
Read MoreAs a first time hearing aid user you may not know what to expect. You may be uncertain about what you are about to experience. There is nothing to worry about, however, with some patience and determination your hearing will improve and you will enjoy regaining your hearing abilities.
Read MoreUntreated hearing loss comes with a host of negative effects. From depression and deteriorating relationships with friends and family to reported lower quality of life, hearing loss casts a wide net. And now, a new study confirms those with hearing loss suffer yet another cost: higher medical bills.
Read MoreThe latest technological developments in hearing devices have brought new hope for those suffering from hearing impairments. For those experiencing severe hearing impairment it is recommended that they opt for hearing devices that are placed outside the ear.
Read MorePeople are often in denial about their hearing impairment. They find it embarrassing and unnecessary, and often delay in taking the hearing test out of fear of acceptance of having a hearing loss. The biggest fear most people have is the fear of the unknown. Most of this fear is based on a lack of information about the actual process of a hearing test, which is why this article provides a brief look at the actual process a hearing test entails.
Read MoreYou can blame a king in Denmark, Harald Bluetooth, for the silly name. More than a thousand years ago, he united warring Danish tribes into a single kingdom. The same is said of Bluetooth technology, which unites communication protocols, uniting them into one universal standard.
Read MoreFun Fact Friday: Treating hearing loss is a good thing. And doing it speaks volumes about who you are. Here are five illuminating things treating hearing loss says about you.
Read MoreAccording to a recent study by Jamie Desjardins, PhD, an assistant professor in the speech-language pathology program at The University of Texas at El Paso, hearing aids improve brain function in people with hearing loss.
Read MoreWhen is hearing loss not just about hearing? Although it sounds like the beginning of a riddle, the truth is hearing loss affects you in many ways beyond just having to turn up the volume on the TV or asking someone to repeat something they just said. Hearing loss is connected to your overall health and well-being in ways you might not realize.
Read MoreNow that the new year is well underway, give a thought to those friends living with hearing loss. Hearing loss is largely invisible, easily misunderstood and quickly forgotten by others. Maybe 2016 is the year you make it easier for those friends. Here are three simple things you can do to help the people around you who live with hearing loss.
Read MoreHearing aids are getting smarter. Some of the tweaking and fine-tuning that used to be up to the audiologist is now being put in the hands of the user. I tried out ReSound"s Linx2 product at CES 2016.
Read MoreNeed a mood boost? Maybe it’s time to check your hearing. Here’s why: Hearing loss is linked to a greater risk of depression in adults of all ages, especially in 18 to 69 year olds. But studies show treating hearing loss can boost quality of life. People with hearing loss who use hearing aids are less likely to feel down, depressed or hopeless, research from the Better Hearing Institute (BHI) shows — and they get more pleasure from doing things.
Read MoreConversing with a hard of hearing person is much easier if you, the ‘hearing’ person, are aware of the hearing loss. If you don’t know that the person you’re talking to has a hearing problem, you might be forgiven for looking in another direction (into space for example) as you prattle on, or mumbling, or putting your hands in front of your mouth. It’s understandable that you might continue to speak softly, indistinctly, or use unconnected phrases with no verbs.
Read MoreOur veterans make sacrifices every day and many continue to make sacrifices long after they’ve left active duty. One of those sacrifices is their hearing. According to the Hearing Health Foundation, 60% of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan come home with hearing loss and tinnitus, which are the two most common service-related injuries. The U.S. Department of Defense Hearing Center of Excellence (HCE) estimates that in the past decade 840,000 service members have been diagnosed with tinnitus and just over 700,000 suffer from hearing loss.
Read MoreA new long-term study that shows wearing hearing aids reduce cognitive decline associated with hearing loss may do more than just drive older adults with hearing loss to finally seek professional care, according to Oticon. The company believes the new study will also give the general public—especially health-conscious older adults—a new way of thinking about the importance of hearing care and hearing solutions that will have far-reaching implications for hearing care now and in the future.
Read MoreIn terms of our health, happiness is a miracle drug. It can help us live longer, be more optimistic — even increase marital satisfaction. How do you measure happiness? We’re all aware that smiling and laughing are physical signs of happiness and joy, yet characteristics of a perpetually happy person depend on how satisfied they are with various aspects of their life. And since finding happiness is a personal journey, here’s a tip to start you on your way: If you have hearing loss, wear hearing aids.
Read MoreUntreated hearing loss has serious emotional and social consequences for older persons, according to a major new study by The National Council on the Aging (NCOA). The study was conducted by the Seniors Research Group, an alliance between NCOA and Market Strategies, Inc.
Read MoreThe National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD) reports that one in six US adults aged 18 and older reports trouble hearing without a hearing aid, according to new results from a nationally representative survey looking at hearing and hearing loss.
Read MoreSeptember is World Alzheimer’s Month and September 21st is World Alzheimer’s day. In recognition the Better Hearing Institute (BHI) is providing information on important research regarding the hearing-cognition connection.
Read MoreOlder Americans who have hearing loss have an accelerated decline in thinking and memory abilities, compared to those with normal hearing, according to a study published in JAMA Archives of Internal Medicine.
Read MoreThe Better Hearing Institute (BHI) is encouraging people of all ages to protect their hearing this summer so they can treasure the sounds of the season for a lifetime. Packing earplugs along with the sunscreen for summer outings is just one of six easy tips that BHI is offering.
Read MoreContact your neighborhood doctors for hearing health care today to set up an appointment with an audiology & hearing healthcare professional to discuss your hearing health, hearing aids, and the best way to treat your hearing loss.