Methods of Keeping your Hearing Aids Clean

The weather is finally beginning to warm up. This means that it is time to spring clean your home as well as your hearing aids. Your hearing aids help you lead a comfortable life, so it is time to take good care of them so that they can continue to function at their optimal level.
Winter can be a moist time of the year, and moisture is a major threat to hearing aids. This is why it is important to dehumidify them annually. You can do this on a daily basis as well by placing them out to air dry on a towel when you go to bed each night, remembering to leave your battery compartment open. To be extremely thorough, you can purchase a dehumidifier that is designed especially for hearing aids. You can dehumidify them once every year to make sure they continue to function properly.
Our ears are often filled with dirt and earwax which comes in direct contact with our hearing aids. This is why it is important to clean your hearing aids each day with a soft cloth. You can also increase the sanitization process by utilizing the cleaning tool kit provided to you at the time you purchased your hearing instruments. The tools are especially designed to clean your hearing aids thoroughly so make sure you clean out the delicate pieces like the microphone as well as the vents. Earmolds can simply be wiped down with a clean soft cloth and occasionally you can use a gentle soap and water solution to clean them.
It is always advisable to have a hearing care professional clean out your hearing aids if you are uncertain of the proper cleaning methods. Even if you are aware of the appropriate cleaning techniques, it is still advisable to let your audiologist take a look at your hearing aids once each year to make sure they are still functioning optimally. They can clean out your hearing aids as well as let you know if they need any repair work. Make good use of your hearing aid warranty to get any replacements you need within the warranty period. Take good care of your hearing aids and you will find that they in return will give you a healthier, happier life.