Your Guide to Hearing Aid Batteries

The topic of hearing aid batteries will inevitably come up whether you are purchasing your first set of hearing aids or you are a seasoned user. Questions regarding batteries range from size, cost, frequency of replacement, and how to appropriately use and care for them.
One primary concern regarding batteries is their average life expectancy. The duration of a hearing aid battery is higher for analog models than it is for digital models, primarily because of the advanced technology involved to sustain digital battery models which lead to their higher battery consumption. Smaller hearing aids tend to have a shorter battery life. The average duration of a hearing aid battery ranges from five to seven days in general.
Your hearing aids will require a specific size of hearing aid battery. Which battery size to choose has been made easier in recent times since the batteries are color coded. A universal hearing aid battery size chart has been created for your convenience, and the battery sizes are depicted by their color. For example, a blue colored battery is a size 675, while a yellow battery is a size 10. An orange battery is a size 13 while a brown one is a size 312. If in doubt, always ask your hearing aid provider and their staff and they will direct you as to your options.
It is very important to understand how the batteries function and how best to maximize their capacity through optimal care. Hearing aid batteries contain an attached tab that indicates the color that is used for sizing as well as activation purposes. When you remove the tab from the battery, you activate the zinc once it comes in contact with the air, thus once the tab is removed you can no longer turn your battery off thus it is best to keep all the battery tabs intact until it is time for their usage. Since these tabs are imperative in battery activation, please keep your batteries stored in a cool, dry environment that has a regular temperature, avoiding extreme heat since this can cause the tabs to become detached and accidentally activated. As such, it is important to keep your batteries stored at a place away from high temperatures such as heaters, ovens, glove compartments, or fires.
Once you have a good routine for the purchasing and storage of your hearing aid batteries it will not be something that will cause you any trouble. If you have any questions at any time regarding the batteries for your hearing aid do not hesitate to ask. If you join our battery club you will enjoy battery discounts.