Improve Your Sleep despite Tinnitus

The constant sensation of a ringing or buzzing sound within the ears in the absence of any external stimulus is known as tinnitus. It can be a symptom of an underlying hearing problem and is often known to cause sleep disruption. Tinnitus does not need to continue disturbing your sleep; these recommendations can help you sleep better despite having tinnitus.
It is important to wind down and empty your mind before heading to bed. Stress is known to increase tinnitus so creating a relaxing environment before you sleep can help reduce the sensation of tinnitus. You can empty your mind using relaxation exercises that help you empty all your thoughts as well as soothe your body.
Shift your focus from your tinnitus to something peaceful so that your preoccupation with your tinnitus is no longer a problem. The more you pay attention to your tinnitus the louder it may seem, thus choose not to pay much attention to it so that you can sleep peacefully.
At times it can be helpful to have a routine before going to bed each night. This way, both your body and your mind are prepared for bedtime and begin to relax and get ready for sleep. Brushing your teeth, turning off the light, and other small activities can be included as part of this ritual. Maintaining a set schedule for bedtime can also be helpful in keeping you on track with your nightly routine.
You will also sleep better if you set up your surroundings so that you are comfortable. Set your thermostat to a moderate temperature that is neither too hot nor too cold. Turn off the lights before going to bed. If you have trouble sleeping in pitch darkness, get a small night lamp with a soothing dim light.
The sensation of tinnitus can also be reduced using white noise to mask the ringing sensation. Play some white noise on your audio device during bedtime to help you sleep better without having to worry about your tinnitus.
Sleep habits can be vastly improved with exercise, so set up a daily exercise routine. This will not only help shift your focus from your tinnitus, but will also help you get more restful sleep. Make sure that you switch off all electronic devices or put them on the “silent” mode prior to heading to bed so that there are no disruptions while you sleep.
Tinnitus is generally a symptom of an underlying health problem, so if you experience tinnitus at a level that disrupts your daily functioning, make sure that you seek medical attention. Getting a hearing test is also recommended to explore whether your tinnitus may be a result of a hearing impairment.