Enhance Your Hearing

People with hearing aids can still take care of their residual hearing to prevent further damage. Wearing hearing devices does not reverse the damage caused by hearing loss, thus it is important to protect your natural ability to hear using a specific set of simple practices each day.
- Turn down the volume of your hearing aids. Simply because you can hear things louder with your hearing aids does not mean that you need to keep increasing their volume, since that can lead to further deterioration in your natural hearing abilities.
- Replenish your natural sense of hearing. Keep your health in good condition in order to maintain your natural hearing abilities and halt further hearing loss over time by taking dietary supplements such as Vitamins A, C, and E as well as Magnesium, which can help increase the flow of blood to your ears and reduce the number of free radicals that are detrimental to your ear cells.
- Protect your ears. Take care in protecting your ears from further damage by using earplugs or earmuffs in loud environmental and social situations such as using power tools, attending loud social events, or working in loud environments.
Wearing hearing aids does not mean that you now get to take your ears for granted. Take extra care in protecting nature’s gift by preventing further hearing loss so that you can enjoy sounds to the best of your abilities over a longer period of time.